Институт биоорганической химии
им. академиков М.М. Шемякина и Ю.А. Овчинникова РАН

Группа геномного анализа
сигнальных систем клетки

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О группе Публикации Cотрудничество Библиотека Сотрудники Контактная информация



  1. Transcriptional regulation of human-specific SVA(F1) retrotransposons by cis-regulatory MAST2 sequences.  
    Zabolotneva AA, Bantysh O, Suntsova MV, Efimova N, Malakhova GV, Schumann GG, Gayfullin NM, Buzdin AA.
    Gene (2012 May 15 Epub)
  2. nMETR: Technique for facile recovery of hypomethylation genomic tags.  
    Baskaev K, Garazha A, Gaifullin N, Suntsova M, Zabolotneva A, Buzdin A.
    Gene 498 (25 April 2012) 75–80.
  3. Evolutionary recent insertions of mobile elements and their contribution to the structure of human genome.
    Baskaev KK, Buzdin AA.
    Zh Obshch Biol. 2012 Jan-Feb;73(1):3-20.
  4. Recent Inserts of Transposable Elements Affect. Structure and Functions of Human Genome.  
    Buzdin A, Suntsova M, Bantysh O, Aleksandrova E, Zabolotneva A, Gogvadze E, Gaifullin N
    NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 2012, Radiobiology and Environmental Security, Pages 269-296


  1. Molecular markers of bladder cancer: from the particular to the general.  
    Zabolotneva A, Gaifullin N, Buzdin A, Alekseyev B, Andreyeva Y, Shegai P, Sokov D, Rusakov I
    Oncourologia, 2011, No. 3, pp. 16–19.
  2. Evolutionarily recent groups of transposable elements in the human genome.   
    Baskaev K, Buzdin A
    Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii, 2011, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 313–321.


  1. How many antiviral small interfering RNAs may be encoded by the mammalian genomes?  
    Zabolotneva A, Tkachev V, Filatov F, Buzdin A.
    Biol Direct 2010 Nov 8;5:62.
  2. Unique functions of repetitive transcriptomes.  
    Schumann GG, Gogvadze EV, Osanai-Futahashi M, Kuroki A, Münk C, Fujiwara H, Ivics Z, Buzdin AA.
    Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. 2010;285:115-88. Review
  3. Novel strong tissue specific promoter for gene expression in human germ cells.  
    Kuzmin D, Gogvadze E, Kholodenko R, Grzela DP, Mityaev M, Vinogradova T, Kopantzev E, Malakhova G, Suntsova M, Sokov D, Ivics Z, Buzdin A.
    BMC Biotechnol. 2010 Aug 17;10:58.
  4. Функциональный анализ вставок эндогенных ретровирусов в контексте эволюции генома человека.  
    Buzdin AA.
    Биоорганическая химия. 2010 Jan-Feb;36(1):38-46. Russian. 
  5. Enhancer element potentially involved in human survivin gene promoter regulation in lung cancer cell lines.   
    Mityaev MV, Kopantzev EP, Buzdin AA, Vinogradova TV, Sverdlov ED.
    Biochemistry (Mosc). 2010 Feb;75(2):182-91


  1. Novel family of human transposable elements formed due to fusion of the first exon of gene MAST2 with retrotransposon SVA.   
    Bantysh OB, Buzdin AA.
    Biochemistry (Mosc). 2009 Dec;74(12):1393-9.
  2. Retroelements and their impact on genome evolution and functioning.    
    Gogvadze E, Buzdin A.
    Cell Mol Life Sci. 2009 Dec;66(23):3727-42. Epub 2009 Aug 2. Review.
  3. Молекулярные рецепторы вкусовых веществ.   
    Giliarov DA, Sakharova TA, Buzdin AA.
    Биоорганическая химия. 2009 Jan-Feb;35(1):5-14. Review. Russian.
  4. Human-specific modulation of transcriptional activity provided by endogenous retroviral insertions.    
    Gogvadze E, Stukacheva E, Buzdin A, Sverdlov E.
    J Virol. 2009 Jun;83(12):6098-105. Epub 2009 Apr 1.

Избранные публикации 2002-2008

  1. Functional significance of a putative sp1 transcription factor binding site in the survivin gene promoter.
    Mityaev MV, Kopantzev EP, Buzdin AA, Vinogradova TV, Sverdlov ED. 
    Biochemistry (Mosc). 2008 Nov;73(11):1183-91.
  2. Tripartite chimeric pseudogene from the genome of rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea suggests double template jumps during long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) reverse transcription.
    Gogvadze E, Barbisan C, Lebrun MH, Buzdin A. 
    BMC Genomics. 2007 Oct 8;8:360.
  3. Chimeric retrogenes suggest a role for the nucleolus in LINE amplification. 
    Buzdin A, Gogvadze E, Lebrun MH. 
    FEBS Lett. 2007 Jun 26;581(16):2877-82. Epub 2007 May 25. Review.
  4. Anti-apoptotic effect of retinoic acid on retinal progenitor cells mediated by a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism. 
    Kholodenko R, Kholodenko I, Sorokin V, Tolmazova A, Sazonova O, Buzdin A. 
    Cell Res. 2007 Feb;17(2):151-62.
  5. At least 50% of human-specific HERV-K (HML-2) long terminal repeats serve in vivo as active promoters for host nonrepetitive DNA transcription. 
    Buzdin A, Kovalskaya-Alexandrova E, Gogvadze E, Sverdlov E. 
    J Virol. 2006 Nov;80(21):10752-62.
  6. GREM, a technique for genome-wide isolation and quantitative analysis of promoter active repeats. 
    Buzdin A, Kovalskaya-Alexandrova E, Gogvadze E, Sverdlov E. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 May 12;34(9):e67.
  7. Functional human endogenous retroviral LTR transcription start sites are located between the R and U5 regions. 
    Kovalskaya E, Buzdin A, Gogvadze E, Vinogradova T, Sverdlov E. 
    Virology. 2006 Mar 15;346(2):373-8. Epub 2005 Dec 7.
  8. Improving specificity of DNA hybridization-based methods. 
    Chalaya T, Gogvadze E, Buzdin A, Kovalskaya E, Sverdlov ED. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Sep 15;32(16):e130.
  9. The human genome contains many types of chimeric retrogenes generated through in vivo RNA recombination. 
    Buzdin A, Gogvadze E, Kovalskaya E, Volchkov P, Ustyugova S, Illarionova A, Fushan A, Vinogradova T, Sverdlov E. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 Aug 1;31(15):4385-90.
  10. Human-specific subfamilies of HERV-K (HML-2) long terminal repeats: three master genes were active simultaneously during branching of hominoid lineages. 
    Buzdin A, Ustyugova S, Khodosevich K, Mamedov I, Lebedev Y, Hunsmann G, Sverdlov E. 
    Genomics. 2003 Feb;81(2):149-56.
  11. A new family of chimeric retrotranscripts formed by a full copy of U6 small nuclear RNA fused to the 3' terminus of l1. 
    Buzdin A, Ustyugova S, Gogvadze E, Vinogradova T, Lebedev Y, Sverdlov E. 
    Genomics 2002 Oct;80(4):402-6.
  12. Genome-wide comparison of differences in the integration sites of interspersed repeats between closely related genomes. 
    Mamedov I, Batrak A, Buzdin A, Arzumanyan E, Lebedev Y, Sverdlov ED. 
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jul 15;30(14):e71.
  13. A technique for genome-wide identification of differences in the interspersed repeats integrations between closely related genomes and its application to detection of human-specific integrations of HERV-K LTRs. 
    Buzdin A, Khodosevich K, Mamedov I, Vinogradova T, Lebedev Y, Hunsmann G, Sverdlov E. 
    Genomics. 2002 Mar;79(3):413-22.
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